Ep #32: Mouth-Breathing, Sleep Apnea, and the Solutions with James Nestor

Mind Body Mouth with Dr. Vijaya Molloy | Mouth-Breathing, Sleep Apnea, and the Solutions with James Nestor

I’ve spoken about the benefits of breathing through your nose on the podcast before, but my guest this week has dedicated his life’s work to spreading this message, and he has some unique and brilliant insights to share with us.

Today, my guest is scientific journalist James Nestor. James is the author of the internationally best-selling book Breathe, a book that is entirely dedicated to a topic that has become something of an obsession for me, and that is the benefits of breathing through your nose rather than your mouth. Our conversation was really interesting and I know you’ll enjoy hearing this episode as much as I enjoyed making it.

Tune in this week as I ask James Nestor about his research into mouth-breathing and related disordered sleeping. James is sharing his own experiences as a mouth-breather, the changes he’s seen in himself as a result of this work, and the real science behind why these changes could benefit a huge amount of people.

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What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What alerted James to the fact that mouth-breathing is an increasing problem.
  • Why James believes our breathing is something that is totally underappreciated and underacknowledged.
  • The incredible things that people have achieved just by changing the way they breathe.
  • James’ experience of having minor breathing difficulties as he was developing.
  • The real science James has collated behind the benefits of breathing through our noses.
  • How James experimented with plugging up his nose for an extended period, and what he discovered.
  • The solutions that are available so you can change the way you breathe and build new habits.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Another Great
    Informative Podcast
    I needed to listen to this & now will put into action for my sleep & breathing health


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